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Add Focused Light with Track Lighting

Track lighting has come of age, Track lighting now offers ultimate lighting design flexibility along with energy efficiency. Instead of the clunky tracks and heads, today’s track lights offer infinite options for both the track, as well as the size, style, and color...

Hidden issues with Aluminum Wired Homes

While it might be tempting to believe that a home with aluminum wiring is safe because the wiring hasn’t caused problems for 30 or more years, Aluminum wiring in your home presents a very serious potential fire hazard. According to the Consumer Product Safety...

Home Service Electrical Panel Replace or Repair

Need an electrician today? Deep Electric can replace or upgrade your Federal Pacific Electric panels to new modern type service electrical panels or load centers. Your Federal Pacific Electric panels may not perform safe electrical functions in time which is a fire...

Outdoor Electrical Power

Need a service electric contractor? Deep Electric can provide excellent electric and lighting service maintenance to meet your needs for swimming pools, pool pumps, pool lights, jacuzzi, hot tubs, electric controlled tubs and many more electric controlled items. Power...

Electrical Fuses and Circuit breakers

All Electrical Service Panels are equipped with fuses or circuit breakers that protect the wires in each circuit from overheating and causing a fire. In general, older Service boxes or panels use fuses, while more modern systems rely on Circuit Breakers. Fuses and...